Defense Attorney Abbe Lowell is having Hallie Biden go through a detailed recounting of the day she says she found Hunter Biden’s gun and threw it away. Millard Greer, after “multiple days of surveillance” located the man who others had said collected recyclables at the store, he testified. Dr. Biden and President Biden traveled together from Normandy to Paris-Orly Airport after today’s D-Day events.

Prosecutor asks whether drug dealers accept credit cards

This could be helpful for Hunter Biden’s defense, because that window covers when he bought and possessed the gun. However, earlier, when Hallie was questioned by prosecutors, she said she believed that he appeared to be high when she saw him that month. Prosecutors have raised several complaints that defense attorney Abbe Lowell is leading the witness, Hallie Biden, relationships in recovery as she testifies about Hunter Biden’s whereabouts one day before she threw out his gun. Prosecutors objected several times when the altered form came up again Thursday, and the judge sustained their objections, cutting off Cleveland. President Joe Biden said in an interview Thursday he would not pardon his son Hunter if he’s found guilty of criminal gun charges.

Hunter Biden arrives for 4th day of trial

  • Relationships in early recovery are also inadvisable because many mental health professionals fear that you are replacing one pleasure-seeking habit with another one.
  • These are important questions to ask yourself before getting into a serious relationship.
  • This intense focus on personal accountability in recovery can lead to completely ignoring the other side of the story—relationships may have contributed to addiction and may be complicating recovery efforts.
  • Prosecutors objected several times when the altered form came up again Thursday, and the judge sustained their objections, cutting off Cleveland.
  • When you do spend time with them, ask about how they have been doing and listen.

Twelve-step programs and other mutual-aid resources help serve this vital purpose. It is not uncommon for women to leave rehab with a smaller support system than they had before they started abusing their substance of choice. Relationships after rehab often need to be rebuilt, and new relationships formed. To help you with this process of building healthy relationships in recovery and after rehab, we have compiled 5 tips to utilize during your recovery from addiction.

relationships in recovery

Prioritize Open Communication

relationships in recovery

But the itch to come back will set in, and stepping away entirely isn’t possible. Prosecutors also called their first witness on Tuesday, questioning FBI special agent Erika Jensen to discuss the investigation into the president’s son. The first two relate specifically to the form he filled out to purchase a gun in 2018, accusing Biden of lying about this drug use on the form. She said he had feared he was using drugs since he was discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.

Hallie Biden called to testify in Hunter Biden trial

Relationships also benefit from healthy communication skills, validation, boundaries, and honesty—all of which are important for addiction recovery. Most people see how their relationships impact their quality of life, but sometimes this gets muddied when addiction is part of the picture. Some of these relationships can be helpful to us, some of them can be harmful to us in certain ways, and some can be both. We tend to focus mostly on romantic and family relationships, but other types of relationships can have a big impact on your recovery efforts as well. Focusing on relationship recovery intentionally throughout addiction recovery can improve quality of life, which will bolster addiction recovery efforts.

Former prosecutor turned GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy says Hunter Biden’s trial is unusual

For instance, we can create art, write books, make music, and find and make shared communities, all in an effort to connect with others. For those in recovery from addiction, drama therapy has become a leading therapy choice. While 12-step programs are one example of providing those in recovery with a space to gather and share, drama therapy has shown significant impacts on the lives of those in recovery. People in recovery from substance use disorders need to heal themselves and build healthy relationships in recovery and beyond. The path to sobriety often reveals the impact of drugs and alcohol on loved ones and highlights the need for rebuilding trust, forging new connections, and fixing unhealthy relationships.

relationships in recovery

Emotional Support

Listen and Validate Feelings