Similarly, in another survey, 83% of full-time remote workers say that they cannot imagine returning to an on-site office. In the same survey, 16% said that the remote work lifestyle is somewhat important to them. However, it should be noted that 53% of remote employees reported that they were working more hours than when they were in the office. In another report by Global Workplace Analytics, it was revealed that IBM saved around $50 million in real estate costs by simply hiring remote workers. While not every job is suited for a remote work environment, employers must consider how they can provide remote opportunities for their employees, both today and in the future. And employees may consider, now more than ever, the importance of remote work opportunities and how it fits into their lives.

  • But the driving forces behind this new world of work go beyond just the pandemic.
  • Beyond the more obvious benefits such as cost reduction, remote work has also been proven to improve employee retention and performance.
  • While employees love the freedom remote working offered, employers benefit from wider access to talent and more productive staff.
  • Outline specific responsibilities and qualifications, and learn about best practices for attracting the right candidates for the role.

Extreme commuters face commute times of 90 minutes or more each way and spend over a month commuting each year. You’ll be aware of many of these, but you may be surprised with remote work’s impact on the economy and planet. There’s also the benefit of reduced absenteeism, since workers are in charge of their schedules and can take rests as needed when they don’t feel well. If you give workers autonomy over their work schedules, employees will make time to get things done.


Even when some high-profile companies ventured down this path, the experiment often ended on a CEO’s whim. As one example, the work-from-home program at Yahoo lasted from 2007 until 2013. And importantly, the decision to scrap it did not appear to be based on evidence of the program’s failure, but on a belief in the intangible benefits of in-person interactions.

  • Most employees need to pay for gas, car maintenance, food, and other expenses just to be at work.
  • Politely explain to them that even though you’re at home, you’re also at work.
  • They can work at the times that are the most convenient for them – and when they’re the most productive.
  • This means if you don’t offer flexible work arrangements, your talent pool is at risk of being significantly smaller than your competitors.

Air pollution has many adverse effects on health outcomes and general morality that are widely documented, not to mention the high cognitive costs. If you’re not sure where to start, read our articles on finding a remote job and getting hired and how to get a remote job with no experience. You might prefer to work from your favorite coffee shop around the corner, while visiting family, or outside instead of a cubicle. Whether that’s dropping kids off how companies benefit when employees work remotely at school, doing the laundry, hitting the gym, or simply taking a break, your personal life is easier to manage when working from home. Known as the ability to work from anywhere, anytime, remote work was a full-on global work movement even before the coronavirus pandemic forced many to work from their homes. It also helps that workers receive more autonomy to perform tasks on their terms (as long as things are done within guidelines and on time).

Bank Of America Workers Called Back To The Office

Most of her duties are done by email and communication apps such as Boxer, Slack, and Zoom. Friends and family may call or even stop by (wearing masks, of course). Politely explain to them that even though you’re at home, you’re also at work. CareerFoundry is an online school for people looking to switch to a rewarding career in tech.